Sunday Sermon 9/25/2022

Sunday Sermon 9/25/2022

Good News About Hope Focus: While the world seeks hope in possessions, technology or other people, followers of Jesus celebrate a hope that has already been accomplished on the cross and not dependent on present circumstances. I) Bryant Young during this year’s Pro Football Hall of Fame festivities “I’m grateful for having a God who gives us grace. There is hope. Death is real, but where we choose to live in eternity is a real choice to make.” II) The different sources of hope The “Stuff” we accumulate The “Technology” we trust The “People” who we depend upon III) Paul’s Good News about Hope in Romans 5 “since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God” v.1 We find freedom and salvation not in our meager efforts but through faith alone Justification is more than our punishment being commuted pardoned! Made right “we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand,” v.2 Unmerited favor through our trust in the one who provides connection to God “we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God” v.2 Hope not based on circumstances Hope that is already and not yet “hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into us” v. 5 Barnes: “suffering, heartache, or conflicts are never the bottom line. Beneath it all is still our God. So in the bottom places of life we find hope”. IV) Hope is always a choice A broken world creates great suffering (v.3) Suffering can produce endurance and character (v.4) Leading to Christian hope as we wait our destination (v.5) A pastor visiting a dying friend “He had the nails and he had the thorns-I have the hope” --------------------------------------------------- Join us live for worship at our 9:30 and 11:00 am services each week: The videos on this channel only include the sermon portion of our worship service. Please visit the livestream link above to view the entire service. Sunday Services: 8:30 am - Traditional 9:30 am - Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional 11:00 am - Contemporary - OASIS Youth Service: Wednesday at 7:15pm - CHAOS ---------------------------------------------------