Malai Ghevar| बिना मोल्ड मिक्सी में बनाये जालीदार घेवर|Ghevar without Mould| Holi Special |
मिक्सी में बनाये जालीदार घेवर | Try this super delicious Malai Ghevar without mould in mixer grinder, the perfect Rajasthan rabdi Ghevar. No need to beat the ghee with hands and no cold water, just pour everything in the blender and make super easy ghevar. It usually takes a lot of time and because of which people are afraid to make these sweets at home, but friends, the recipe I have shared with you is hassle free and you will love it when you make it at home and will enjoy its juicy taste. Talking about me, I used to wait for this delicious ghevar in the month of August, but when I tried it at home, it turned to heaven, I couldn't believe I had done it and whenever I ever think of eating something, this is what I make, I am sure that the one reading this is the same as me who eagerly waits for this dessert in the month of August. So try to make it at home and leave your valuable comments to let us know ?? Ingredients Ghee- 1/4 cup Maida- 1 cup Water- 2 cups Ghee for frying - 500ml Sugar syrup- (1cup sugar- 1/2 cup water) Rabdi, pistachios, rose petals, silver work for garnishing. Sugar syrup link- • हमेशा बनेगी परफेक्ट बालूशाही अगर इन ब... Rabdi link- • गारंटी है अगर एक बार इस तरह से रबड़ी ब... savan special mithai ghevar rajasthani sweet ghevar recipe in hindi ghevar recipe hindi ghar me ghevar aasani se kaise banaye hindi me ghevar banane ka aasan tarika rakshabandhan special sweet mithai ghevar आसान तरीके से बनाये राजस्थानी घेवर जयपुर का क्रिस्पी जालीदार घेवर आसान ट्रिक्स के साथ #malai Ghevar #ghevarwithoutmould #mixergrinderghevar #rajasthanrabdighevar #ghevarrecipe #rakshabandhanspecial