70 Easy GK Questions and Answers in English | General Knowledge | Current Affairs Questions
Top 70 GK Questions | General Knowledge | Current Affairs Questions. General Knowledge and Current Affairs Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams General Knowledge (GK Questions) [1] What is the capital of India? [2] Who is the First Prime Minister of India? [3] Who created Bitcoin? [4] What is the currency of India? [5] Who is the current President of India? [6] When was India’s independence day? [7] Where is India’s Silicon Valley located? [8] India’s space agency acronym? [9] What is the national bird of India? [10] What is the national flower of India? [11] What is the national language of India? [12] What is the national sport of India? [13] What is the national anthem of India? [14] What is the national flag of India? [15] What is the highest mountain peak in India? [16] What is the longest river in India? [17] What is the largest lake in India? [18] What is the most populous state in India? [19] What is the least populous state in India? [20] What is the richest state in India? [21] What is the poorest state in India? [22] What is the most literate state in India? [23] What is the least literate state in India? [24] What is the most developed state in India? [25] What is the current exchange rate of the Indian rupee to the US dollar? [26] What is the current inflation rate in India? [27] What is the current unemployment rate in India? [28] What is the current GDP of India? [29] What is Full Form of CAT exam ? [30] What is the Full form of ISRO ? Other General Knowledge Channel Visit & Subscribe :- Helpful G.Knowledge - (Hindi & English) : http://bit.ly/2vwemzc General Knowledge GK Q&A -(Hindi only) : http://bit.ly/2wrZqn4 - @generalknowledgekey #100gk #IndiaGK