November 13, 2022

November 13, 2022

FIND UNION VALLEY ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook:   / uvbchurch   Instagram:   / unionvalleychurch   Twitter:   / union_valley1   We’d love for you to join us at Union Valley! Here are our service times: SUNDAYS: 9:45 A.M. Devotion in the chapel* 10:00 A.M. Sunday School for all ages* 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship* *Children’s Church & Nursery available WEDNESDAYS: 6:30: -Adult Bible Study -Women’s Bible Study -Kids For Christ -Youth & College Services GET IN TOUCH WITH US: Address: P.O. Box 1343 Ada, OK 74820 Phone: 580-332-0902 Email: [email protected]