PARADISE Episode 8 Ending Explained
I review, breakdown and explain Paradise Episode 8. I discuss the season finale to the 2025 Hulu and Disney+ show created by Dan Fogelman which stars Sterling K Brown as Agent Xavier Collins after discovering the president was killed. I give my reaction to the ending with Trent being the killer of Cal Bradford, Xavier getting in the plane and going to the outside, Jane taking out Sinatra, and the importance of the opening scene. I also give my theories and predictions on season 2. 00:00 Intro 00:49 The Opening Scene’s Importance 03:07 Cal Bradford’s Death Explained 05:14 What The Ending Means 08:09 Paradise Episode 8 Review 10:39 Outro Subscribe for more videos like this! FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: https://letterboxd.com/BrainPilot/ / brainpilot_ If you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a like and comment. If there is anything you'd like to see in these videos leave a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe. I'll see you next time. #Paradise #ParadiseEpisode8 #ParadiseHulu #ParadiseEpisode8Review #ParadiseEpisode8Reaction #ParadiseEpisode8Ending #ParadiseEpisode8Explained #ParadiseFinale