DO This in the SPRING to Your CITRUS TREES!
Danny brings all the citrus trees out of the Farmall Barn. We had good luck with them producing in the area between the house and She Shed. What do you need to do to your citrus this spring? #citrustree #citrustreecare #howtocareforcitrus Join the NEW Social Platform for HOMESTEADERS called FREESTEADING. https://www.freesteading.com ▶▬ PODCAST is now available 3 WAYS 1. Our website https://www.deepsouthhomestead.com 2. On your favorite podcast platforms like Spotify, iTunes, iHeart Radio, and about 10 more. 3. If you want to go directly to the podcast use this LINK: https://deepsouthhomestead.libsyn.com... ▶ ▬ EMAIL ▬ To contact me via email, [email protected] ▶▬ MAILING ADDRESS▬ Deep South Homestead P.O. Box 462 Wiggins, MS. 39577 ▶▬ PAYPAL account:▬ https://paypal.me/deepsouthhomestead (If you wish to support projects on our homestead, use this account) ▶ WEBSITE http://www.deepsouthhomestead.com/ ▶ ▬ SOCIALIZE WITH US▬ ▶ FACEBOOK Page: Deep South Homestead ▶ INSTAGRAM: Deep South Homestead ▶ Wanda's channel CRAZY DAZES: / @crazydazes ▶ Danny's BIBLE channel --- ALL GOD'S CHILDREN / @allgodschildren2020 ▶ETSY Store https://deepsouthhomestead.etsy.com SWEET POTATO MANUAL CARROT MANUAL ENGLISH PEA MANUAL books written by Danny. These books show how to plant, grow, harvest, cook and preserve these vegetables. The books include pictures from Deep South gardens that show step by step. ▶▬ COOKBOOK compiled by Wanda From Garden to Pantry to Table in the Deep South Kitchen https://deepsouthhomestead.etsy.com ▶TSHIRTS : https://www.bonfire.com/store/deep-so... PORCH TIME tshirts and CRAZY DAZES Tshirts are available too. WATER IS LIFE https://www.bonfire.com/water-is-life-2 ▶▬ Patreon: All proceeds here goes to our building project -- CANDY CORN CABIN -- Our Off Grid Cabin / deepsouthhomestead ▶▬ Channel Art by Felisha: https://CreativeAce.co *******Some of my links below are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. :-) Thanks for helping our homestead. ▶▬ AMAZON LINK: ▬ You shop for ALL your Amazon needs and we receive a small commision. https://amzn.to/2XMw40m (affiliate link*). #commisionsearned ▶▬ HIGH TUNNEL KITS Greenhouse KITS https://www.growerssolution.com/deeps... promo code: DeepSouth This is a 10% discount ▶▬ Water Filtration System or LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Alexa Pure MY Patriot Supply http://www.preparewithdeepsouth.com/ Stainless Spigot: https://amzn.to/2RKLfmJ ▶▬ Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/i... ▶▬ EMP Shield https://www.empshield.com?coupon=deepsouth ▶Visit HOSS TOOL (affiliate link): For ALL your Garden Tools and Seeds http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=862... ▶ Visit GreenStalk Vertical Planters __ You get $10 off you order using our link. code word Deepsouth http://lddy.no/7pg9 ▶▬ Renogy Solar Panel Kit 10% discount Promo code: DeepSouthHomestead https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=162842... ▶▬ ** CANNING LIDS** For Jars Lids https://forjars.co/?sca_ref=1911237.v... ▶▬Survival Garden SEEDS https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=... ▶Danny and Wanda's KUJO Yardwear SHOES https://www.kujo.com/?ref=deepsouth promo code DeepSouth for 10% off ▶▬Herbal Coffee https://teeccino.com/discount/deepsou... THANKS FOR WATCHING!