Nissan R35 925hp and 1695hp smooth drift setup car parking multiplayer

Nissan R35 925hp and 1695hp smooth drift setup car parking multiplayer

GTR? And the new bodykit? YEESSSSS!!!! 💜👌 the update they put on the Nissan R35 is great, nothing has changed, only the gear, but it works for me like I had it before, I hope it goes as well as you another drift setups Nissan S13 925hp and 1695hp    • Nissan S13 Drift setup 925hp and 1695...   Nissan S15 925hp and 1695hp    • Nissan S15 925hp and 1695hp drift set...   Nissan R32 925hp and 1695hp    • Video   do I have a question for you? wouldn't you want a Nissan 240Sx in 1695hp for a drift setup? (write in the comments) #carparkingmultiplayer #carparkingmultiplayerasia #carparkingmultiplayermalaysia #carparkingmultiplayerupdate #carparkingmultiplayerdriftbuild #carparkingmultiplayerdriftcontrols #carparkingmultiplayerdriftsetupnewupdate #carparkingmultiplayerratio songs: $werwe - City light$ 2 KUTE, BLESSED MANE - Night ride