Nissan R35 925hp and 1695hp smooth drift setup car parking multiplayer
GTR? And the new bodykit? YEESSSSS!!!! đđ the update they put on the Nissan R35 is great, nothing has changed, only the gear, but it works for me like I had it before, I hope it goes as well as you another drift setups Nissan S13 925hp and 1695hp    â˘Â Nissan S13 Drift setup 925hp and 1695...  Nissan S15 925hp and 1695hp    â˘Â Nissan S15 925hp and 1695hp drift set...  Nissan R32 925hp and 1695hp    â˘Â Video  do I have a question for you? wouldn't you want a Nissan 240Sx in 1695hp for a drift setup? (write in the comments) #carparkingmultiplayer #carparkingmultiplayerasia #carparkingmultiplayermalaysia #carparkingmultiplayerupdate #carparkingmultiplayerdriftbuild #carparkingmultiplayerdriftcontrols #carparkingmultiplayerdriftsetupnewupdate #carparkingmultiplayerratio songs: $werwe - City light$ 2 KUTE, BLESSED MANE - Night ride