The Easiest Puff Pastry Dough #recipe in #description
The easiest puff pastry dough Main Dough 50g red fife wheat flour 250g bread flour 5g salt 150g cold water 15g vinegar 300g cold unsalted butter Mix all the flour and salt. Add water and vinegar. Knead for 3-5 min, until dough will form a ball ( if it’s not coming up together, add little more water. Cut cold butter in 1/2 inch square chunks. Add cold butter to the mixing bowl, use dough hook to mix all together. Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes until it dough with butter will form uneven ball. Note: butter chunks have to remain visible. Cover the dough in plastic wrap. Move to refrigerator and let chill for 30min. Sprinkle work surface with flour, roll the dough as rectangular, 8”x20”/ 20x50cm When rolling the dough, you will be able to see chunks of butter. Be patient, if butter sticks to rolling pin or table, just add more flour. Do a single fold ( or letter fold) Repeat 2 more rounds of rolling the dough as rectangular 12×31 inches/30x80cm and folding the dough as a letter. Cover the dough and let rest in the fridge for 1 hour. Repeat 3 more rollings and folds. Total number should follow folds should be 6. Move the dough to fridge for 1 hour( up to 48 hours), or at this it can be frozen, until needed. Final rolling: Roll the dough as a rectangle with sides about 12×20 inches /30x50cm and thickness 5mm. Use as needed #recipe #puffpastry #puff #lamination #baker #bakeathome #homebaking #baking #bakewithme #explorepage #chicagobaker #delicious #flaky #explorepage #creator #artisanbread