Sydney New Years Eve Celebration 2022 - LIVE Watch Along
Come join me for the Live Watch Along as we watch the Sydney New Year Celebrations! Sydney always puts on an amazing display so hopefully it will be a great one again this year. OUR VLOG CHANNEL: Charlie & Rob - As We Are https://bit.ly/3wqQf2U Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVrk... Merch: UK/Europe - https://rob-reacts-uk.myspreadshop.co.uk Aus/America - https://rob-reacts-au.myspreadshop.com If you would like to support me then 'Buy me a coffee': https://www.buymeacoffee.com/robreacts Discord: / discord If you would like to send me anything, then send me an email to get my address! ROBREACTS @ HOTMAIL.COM #sydney #NYE #SydneyNYE #Newyearcelebration