THE LAST OF US 2 REMASTERED ❑ 24 – THE DESCENT ❌Road 2 Platinum❌ FULL GAMEplay Walkthrough

THE LAST OF US 2 REMASTERED ❑ 24 – THE DESCENT ❌Road 2 Platinum❌ FULL GAMEplay Walkthrough

If you liked my THE LAST OF US PART II REMASTERED video please Subscribe my channel, leave a Like & Comment. I will appreciate it a lot -    / @areckygaming1983   ❑ In this THE LAST OF US PART II REMASTERED episode: 00:00 LET'S GO CHAPTER 34 – THE DESCENT [ COLLECTIBLES 9/9 ] THE LAST OF US PART II REMASTERED All Episodes:    • LAST OF US PART II REMASTERED, THE [ ...   – Recorded in 4K/6Ofps and Includes a Full Video Game Walkthrough for Sony PlayStation 5, PS5 Gameplay, Completing All Chapters, Collecting All Collectibles, Earning All Trophies and at the end of this Walkthrough Earning Platinum Trophy. Enjoy it! THE LAST OF US PART II is a 2020 action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Set five years after The Last of Us (2013), the game focuses on two playable characters in a post-apocalyptic United States whose lives intertwine: Ellie, who sets out in revenge for a murder, and Abby, a soldier who becomes involved in a conflict between her militia and a religious cult. The game uses a third-person perspective; the player must fight human enemies and cannibalistic zombie-like creatures with firearms, improvised weapons, and stealth. SUBSCRIBE to AreckyGaming to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the various latest and olds games -    / @areckygaming1983   Twitter -   / areckygaming   Facebook - Instagram -   / areckygaming   #AreckyGaming #THELASTOFUS2REMASTERED #THELASTOFUSPARTIIREMASTERED #THELASTOFUS2REMASTEREDgame #THELASTOFUS2REMASTEREDplatinum #THELASTOFUS2REMASTEREDgameplay #THELASTOFUS2REMASTEREDwalkthrough #platinumwalkthrough