CVC Reading Practice | CVC Words | Short Vowel 'a' sound | CVC sentences | -at and -am

CVC Reading Practice | CVC Words | Short Vowel 'a' sound | CVC sentences | -at and -am

This reading lesson focuses on helping young readers master CVC words with short vowel 'a' sound in the -at word family and -am word family. Examples of how these words can be used in sentences are also given so learners can be familiar how these words work in the English language. Get free printable worksheets here:   / teachingkit9393   #readinglesson #readingforkindergarten #readingforgrade1 #preschoollearning #readingpractice #readingenglish #readingactivity #reading #learningenglish #englishforkids #practicereadingenglish #phonics #readingactivity #readingsentences #grammarlessonsenglish #grammarlessonforkids #grade1english #grade2english #kindergarten #kindergartenenglish