খুশকি দূর করার উপায় | How to remove Dandruff Permanently At Home | How i Get rid of Dandruff |
How to cure dandruff permanently naturally at home | খুশকি দূর করার ঘরোয়া উপায় | How I Get rid of Dandruff How to Cure Dandruff Permanently Naturally At Home| খুশকি দূর করার উপায় | How i Get rid of Dandruff #Dandruff is a common #scalp #condition in which small pieces of dry skin flake off of the scalp. If you have dark hair or you’re wearing dark colors, you may notice the flakes in your hair or on your shoulders. Dandruff may also make your scalp #itch. Many people #believe that dandruff is #caused by poor #hygiene, but this is not true. Although #infrequent #shampooing can make dandruff more obvious, researchers are still #studying the #causes, which #appear to be #complex. #Nusrat_Mou Fenugreek seeds also have high protein and nicotinic acid content, which are known to be beneficial against hair fall and dandruff, and in treating a variety of scalp issues like dryness of hair. Castor oil is often praised as a natural solution for hair growth. An age-old remedy long used in traditional medicine, castor oil is said to moisturize the scalp, ease dandruff. #dandruff #bangladesh #skincare #beautytipsbangla #beautytips #howtogetridofdandruff #dhaka #methi #castoroil #antidandruff #antidandruffshampoo #youtubechannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubers #subscribe #youtubevideos #sub #youtubevideo #like #instagram #follow #video #vlog #subscribetomychannel #gaming #music #explorepage #love #smallyoutuber #vlogger #youtubegaming #instagood #gamer #youtubecommunity #likes #explore #youtubelife #youtubecreator #ps #bhfyp Nusrat Mou Facebook Page👇🏻 Link✅ / nusrat08mou Instagram👇🏻 Link✅ https://instagram.com/nusrat.jahan__?...