Water Balloon Battle 2

Water Balloon Battle 2

Water Balloon Battle 2 is sponsored by X-Shot! In this Summer water balloon battle, Battle Squad siblings Paul, James, and Anna get in a fight over a PS5 and have an epic water balloon battle at a mansion with a massive swimming pool. The winner of the water fight gets a hot new girlfriend! Up your game this Summer with the new X-Shot Fast Fill blasters and Bunch of Balloons! #Water #WaterFight Battle Squad merch and Karen plushie: https://battlesquad.com Water Balloon Battle 3 | Water Fight With Mods    • Water Balloon Battle 3   Water Balloon Battle 2 | Winner Gets A Girlfriend    • Water Balloon Battle 2   Mystery Button Battle 2    • Mystery Button Battle 2   Mystery Button Battle 1    • Mystery Button Battle 1   Christmas Battle | Loser Punished By The Grinch    • Christmas Battle 1   1 Million Subscribers Battle | Boys Vs Girls    • 1 Million Subscribers Battle   Water Balloon Battle 1    • Water Balloon Battle 1   500K Subscribers Battle | Winner Gets $500,0000    • 500K Subscribers Battle   Box Fort Battle | Last One Standing Wins    • Box Fort Battle   🛡️ About Battle Squad Battle Squad is an American YouTube channel that includes the seven Kousky siblings: Paul, Eric, Anna, James, Chris, Eva, and Chad. We make battle themed videos with toy blasters, water balloons, and other fun props and themes! #BattleSquad #Battle #Squad