✨Funky Animals + Five Little Ducks + more Little Mascots Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

✨Funky Animals + Five Little Ducks + more Little Mascots Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

🔴Watch our Video Of The Week 🎄 Here 👉    • Itsy Bitsy Spider + The Bath Song + m...   ✨ Funky Animals showcases cool animals with their amazing moves. Experience music that will make you dance to the beats. 🎁Watch more 🎁 Top Rhymes here➡️    • Wheels On The Bus🚌 | Kids Rhyme | Lit...      • Little Fish | Little Mascots Nursery ...      • Baa Baa Black Sheep + Wheels On The B...      • [Best] Five Little Ducks + more Littl...   ❄️Check out other Playlists for kids Now    • 🔴🟢Christmas🎄 Songs | ⛄️2024⛄️ Rhymes      • Top 🔟 Rhymes for babies | Little Mascots   And SUBSCRIBE to our Official Channels for new videos every week! 🎉🎉    / @littlemascotsdaily      / @littlemascots      / @swiftytheshark   Lyrics: We’re all good everything is groovy We’re all cool funky animals What a party everybody’s dancing’ Move your body just like animals come on and… Do the funky frog Do the funky chicken Do the funky moose the one with funky horns Do the funky snake Do the funky rabbit Elephants are great and they have a funky trunk Fly in the sky like an eagle up high Feelin’ the vibe and we’re feelin’ funky Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:05 Funky Animals 02:39 Five Little Ducks 05:01 Happy Birthday Song 06:00 Hands In The Air 07:27 Head Shoulder Knees & Toes 09:02 The Bath Song 10:53 Count To 10 12:17 Five Little Monkeys 13:53 Wheels On The Bus 16:33 The More We Get Together 17:55 ABC Song 21:57 Color Song 23:41 Baa Baa Black Sheep 25:36 Old MacDonald 27:51 Wash Your Hands 29:05 Dancing Like An Animal 30:35 Jingle Bells 32:37 This Is The Way 34:50 Itsy Bitsy Spider 37:16 Hickory Dickory Dock 38:40 Trick Or Treat 40:10 Five Little Speckled Frogs 42:22 Thank You Song 44:12 Bingo Song 46:43 Months Of The Year Little Mascots: We hope you had the same fun watching the video as we had making it for you! Our Songs collection is great for getting familiar with generic rhymes, learning them, becoming expressive and creative all while getting entertained. About Channel: Little Mascots focuses on helping parents in providing pre-nursery education like learning alphabets, numbers and daily routine good habits to babies. Learning oriented rhymes are a great way to make kids become more expressive and attentive which is essential for their growth. Happy Learning :) #littlemascotsdaily #funkyanimals #littlemascotsrhymes #itsybitsyspider #littlefish #baabaablacksheep #thankyousong #fivelittlespeckledfrogs #dancinglikeananimal #themorewegettogether #monthsoftheyear #colorfamily #headshoulderkneesntoes #fingerfamilysonganimals #poemsforbabies #handsintheair