10 Most Incredible Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain | World Of Top 10

10 Most Incredible Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain | World Of Top 10

10 Most Incredible Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain | World Of Top 10 welcome to the channel there are some downright bizarre happenings around the world right now that you probably don't even know about but you should some can be explained while others are so mysterious that even the best historians archaeologists and scientists in the world haven't been able to quite figure them out whether or not we know the whos whys and house behind these findings we should still know about them here are 10 discoveries from around the world that scientists haven't been able to explain yet. 1. Earthquake lights: it's lightning it's a ufo no it's earthquake lights these rare flashes illuminate the night sky when there is no storm stirring and sometimes not even a cloud overhead earthquake lights can take on many different shapes and colors. 2. Chit Kaya is an impressive rock sanctuary located in Bulgaria it consists of 50 rock niches in the cliffs above the village of lysisite of which no one knows them purpose how were they made thousands of years ago and why you still don't know in the area there are also many other whimsical rocks that resemble aliens skulls faces and other figures. 3. The Silent Zone: there's an area in the chihuahua desert in northern Mexico where radio signals don't work and compasses spin out of control when placed near stones on the ground it's called the zone of silence. 4. Antikythera mechanism did you know that the ancient Greeks had computers too well sort of they had the antikythera mechanism which was an early version of an analog computer that they used to predict astronomical events. 5. Stone spheres of Costa Rica some of the most mysterious discoveries in history have been uncovered slowly over time since the 1930s in the dex delta of Costa Rica more than 300 strange stone spheres have been found in this central American nation. Your Queries:- 10 Most Incredible Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain mysterious discoveries incredible discoveries scientists still cant explain discoveries unexplained discoveries archaeological discoveries amazing discoveries bizarre discoveries strange discoveries scientists cant explain scientists can't explain recent discoveries science can't explain 12 most incredible discoveries scientists still can't explain ancient discoveries World of top 10 dear viewers so these are the 10 most incredible discoveries scientists still can't explain don't forget to invite your fellows to our channel so they also get their daily dose of knowledge. #discovery #recentdiscoveries #newdiscoveries #unexplaineddiscoveries