Ocean Waves Crashing On Rocks | One Hour Relaxing Sounds For Falling Asleep

Ocean Waves Crashing On Rocks | One Hour Relaxing Sounds For Falling Asleep

Feel the stress of the day leave your body as wave after wave is crashing onto the rocks.One hour deep relaxation to calm down and feel better. Perfect to prepare for falling asleep, meditate, study, yoga or spa sessions. NEXT NIGHT OCEAN DEEP RELAXATION VIDEO:    • Moon Night Ocean Waves | No Music | F...   -- WHAT I USE DAILY ---------------------------- ► REVIVE DAILY. These days I fall asleep quite well, but unfortunately I don't allow myself enough sleep time. Any further support is welcome to regenerate as quickly as possible. That's where REVIVE DAILY comes in handy. https://cutt.ly/ReviveWhilstSleeping ► ENVATO ELEMENTS. My reliable partner for excellent video, photo and sound material. Choose from tons of digital assets at very low cost. Always worth to check it out for free: http://tiny.cc/freetrialEE ► FILMORA XI. That is by far my favorite video editor. Love it. Fast, efficient, professional features ... that's how it's done. http://tiny.cc/freetrialFILMORAXI ► LUMINAR NEO. The fastest AI based photo editor you can get. Never waste time on photo editing again. It's good, it's fast, and it has saved me tons and tons of hours. https://skylum.evyy.net/NextLevelPhot... I may receive a small commission for recommending products or services linked above. However, I wouldn't list them here if I didn't like them. Your purchase helps support the channel and the videos I produce. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------- More information ... These beautiful ambient ocean wave sounds can help to find sleep and relaxation. The virtually silent rhythm of the ocean sounds in the background creates a so-called brown noise, sometimes also called pink noise (not the same as white noise), which can promote deep sleep. These rhythmic nature sounds are also suitable as a kind of background music and are good not only for falling asleep quickly, but also for meditation, wellness, spa, study and yoga. The used material is licensed via my Envato Elements License. Some background information... Science is not sure that the so-called pink noise of rain, waves or birdsong is actually a good way to switch off and get to sleep. So it's not certain whether, for example, the pinknoise of ocean waves is good for our health, strengthens our mental awareness, or can help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia. However, I know that it is very beneficial for my well-being, helped me find sleep and concentration during long periods of intensive studying. When it comes to sleeping, the best, scientifically proven way is still absolute silence and complete darkness to fall asleep well and rapidly reach the REM sleep phase. However, in an increasingly densely populated world, with noisy neighbors, traffic noise and other disturbing sounds, complete silence is hard to find. An effective way of distracting us from disturbing noises is white noise or pink noise, which is based on natural sounds. This overlays background noise and virtually competes with it, covering it up with noise that is usually distributed quite evenly over a wide frequency spectrum. In contrast to white noise, which covers all frequencies up to the high range, the high frequencies of natural sounds (so-called pink noise, brown noise or colored noise) are usually absent or less intense. For me, noise based on natural sounds is much more pleasant to listen to. When listening to relaxation noise and relaxation music as well, it is important to keep a sufficient distance. About 2 m and a volume that is not too high are recommended. The sound should never be perceived as intrusive or intense, then it is too loud and distracting rather than helpful. Important note... If you have permanent sleep disorders, suffer from nervousness and irritability or are repeatedly unable to concentrate, or have other issues in these subject areas, I recommend consulting a specialist. Serious complaints have a reason and cannot be solved by listening to relaxation sounds. Please note that I cannot guarantee the psychological and physical success of this video described above for you. It always depends on your personal circumstances and can have a completely different effect on you than on me. Enjoy, relax and feel the power of nature. Frank