Power Windows Not Working Won't Go Up Automatically Quick Fix - How to RESET Power Windows

Power Windows Not Working Won't Go Up Automatically Quick Fix - How to RESET Power Windows

#Renault #RenaultMegane #PowerWindow #PowerWindows #Battery #BatteryDisconnect Get in touch:   / mrniceguy9494   Buy some COOL BS from here: https://amzn.to/48GwXYw - Amazon Affiliate Link Budget Scanner - https://amzn.to/3Iqfjxs Cheap Scanner - https://amzn.to/3TuwMeQ Your power windows won’t go up or down. Has it happened after a battery replacement or disconnection? Then you are at the best place, because I am about to show you how to fix it for free. Today I am working on a Renault Megane, but this should apply to any car. So turn on the ignition, then hold the power window button in the up position for 10 seconds. Then make it go down and hold the button down for 10 seconds as well. Now they should work. Do exactly the same for all of your windows that don’t work. If it didn’t work, you want to try making it going down first and holding it there, then up. Usually that’s the case with the frameless doors. This was all from me today, so ending it here. Catch you in the next one. Bye.