ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Angelos | Sounds of Antiquity

ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Angelos | Sounds of Antiquity

⚜️ Stream this track on Spotify: ⚜️ High quality image gallery, including this thumbnail can be downloaded here: ✨⚜️Angelos (Άγγελος) - Meaning "messenger," reflecting Hermes' role as the messenger of the gods.⚜️✨ [Fiction] In the shadowed corners of Greek mythology, where the stories of lesser-known deities linger like whispers on the wind, there exists a tale of a god whose name has been all but forgotten. He is Angelos, the Messenger of the Underworld, a figure shrouded in mystery and myth. Unlike his more famous counterpart, Hermes, Angelos was not a bringer of joyous news or a guide for travelers. His domain was the realm of the dead, and his duty was to carry the solemn tidings of the underworld to the world above. His story is one of transformation, secrecy, and the delicate balance between life and death. ✨ Angelos was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Hera, the queen of Olympus. His birth was not celebrated with feasts or fanfare, for Hera, consumed by jealousy and rage, cast him out of Olympus soon after he was born. The reasons for this are lost to time, but some say it was because Angelos bore a resemblance to one of Zeus’ many mortal lovers. Others claim that Hera, in her anger, saw her son as a reminder of her husband’s infidelities. Whatever the cause, Angelos was sent away, his name erased from the hymns and prayers of the gods. Cast out and forgotten, Angelos wandered the earth, his presence unnoticed by mortals and immortals alike. He became a shadow, a fleeting figure seen only in the corner of one’s eye. But his exile did not last forever. ✨ One day, as he wandered near the entrance to the underworld, he was discovered by Persephone, the queen of the dead. Persephone, moved by Angelos’ plight, took him in and gave him a new purpose. He became the messenger of the underworld, tasked with carrying the decrees of Hades and Persephone to the world above. Angelos’ role was a solemn one. He was the bearer of bad news, the herald of death and misfortune. When a mortal’s time had come, it was ✨ Angelos who delivered the message to the Fates, ensuring that the thread of their life was cut. When a soul was judged in the underworld, it was Angelos who carried the verdict to the living. His presence was feared, for it often meant that tragedy was near. Yet Angelos was not without compassion. He understood the pain of loss and the weight of grief, and he carried out his duties with quiet dignity. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL:    / @daranthos   More Ancient Greek playlists to relax to:    • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Sounds of Antiqu...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Sounds of Antiqu...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Sounds of Antiqu...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Helen | Sounds o...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Socrates | Sound...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Phidias | Sounds...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Demeter | Sounds...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Zyxala | Sounds ...      • ANCIENT GREEK LYRE - Sounds of Antiqu...   #relaxing #relaxing #study #motivation #meditation #sleep #sleepmusic #ancientgreece #lyremusic #harp