Want to make a video chat app? Watch this video for WebRTC!
Learn how to make a live streaming app from scratch in just over an hour! Join Rob, as he breaks down the entire process and provides you with all the tools and knowledge you need. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this tutorial will ensure you have a solid understanding of WebRTC. We'll cover the whole gambit, getUserMedia, RTCPeerConnection, STUN servers and ICE candidates, the signaling process, and offer/answer/SDP negotiation. Subscribe now and let's get started! Before anyone points it out ... I realize there is no "Chinese" language. There's Mandarin and Cantonese and a guy who has a hard time writing, talking, and thinking at the same time ;) Link to project code: https://github.com/robertbunch/webrtc... Full WebRTC Course on Udemy if you need more detail: https://www.udemy.com/course/masterin... ($13 good till 10-5-24) ==Other Videos== Other videos/playlist if you need them Partial WebRTC playlist: • introduction to webRTC Socket.io playlist: • Introduction to socket.io mkcert Video - • https and React on localhost w/mkcert WebRTC & React: • Want to make a video chat app with Re... Scaling WebRTC (more than peer to peer): • How to Scale WebRTC Applications Effi... If you need help getting your local set up for a project: • Setting up a local with React, Socket... 0:00 - How the video is organized 5:00 - The. 2 Parts of WebRTC 9:20 - UDP vs. TCP 12:12 - White-Boarding the Whole Process 23:25 - White-Boarding Cont. - Signaling 32:10 - GitHub/Project Instructions 35:36 - Setting Up Local HTTPS 39:00 - Running On Local IP 43:05 - index.html 45:24 - connect to socket.io 51:03 - call button and fetchUserMedia() 57:04 - createPeerConnection() 63:39 - createOffer() 66:54 - signaling server gets offer 69:50 - client handles newOffer and sends answer 74:49 - server handles new answer 77:47 - client handles new answer 78:40 - ice candidate passing