The Worst Way To Break Up With Someone - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy

The Worst Way To Break Up With Someone - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy

►► Confused about what to text him? Just copy and paste any of these 9 texts from dating expert Matthew Hussey --- ▼ Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to my YouTube channel now. I post new advice videos for you every Friday and Sunday. *** At the end of a romantic relationship, or even working one, to what extent should you cut that person out of your life entirely? Some of us do this immediately. We burn all our bridges. We scream, yell, and as a matter of pride we declare to ourselves that we’ll never associate with them again. But is that a good way to end things? I don’t always think so. We can also get punished later on for being too stubborn in life. In this week’s LOVELife video, I explain exactly when it’s ok to burn a relationship and when you should leave the door open for some kind of future (even if right now that idea sounds too painful…). *** Links at the End: I don't Trust Him:    • I Don't Trust Him, Should We Break Up?   There Isn't a Spark:    • I Don’t Feel That “Spark”, Should I G...   Get the Man of your Dreams: *** ▼ Get My Latest Dating Tips and Connect With Me… ▼ Blog → Facebook →   / coachmatthewhussey   Twitter →   / matthewhussey   ► FREE DOWNLOAD: “9 Texts to Get Any Man” → ► FREE DOWNLOAD: “5 Complements to Get Him Addicted to You” →