Sunday, November 27, 1st Sunday in Advent 8:30am
Welcome to Hope! We are glad you are here and look forward to worshiping together this morning. If you have questions, would like more information or want to lift up a prayer request, please comment here or contact our church office at 585-492-2530. To make an offering: Online: www.hopearcade.org/give Facebook: "Donate Button" Mail: 2 E. Main St, Arcade, NY 14009 CHRISTMAS WORSHIP AT HOPE ADVENT SERVICES • Sunday, November 27 & Sunday, December 4 o 8:30am & 10:30am worship in Hope's Sanctuary • Sunday, December 11 o 8:30am service in Hope's Gym o 10:30am service in Hope's Sanctuary • Sunday, December 18 o 8:30am service in Hope's Sanctuary o 10:30am Children's Christmas Program in Hope's Gym • Wednesdays November 30, December 7, December 14, December 21 o Every Wednesday evening during Advent we invite you to join us for a soup dinner at 6pm followed by the Holden Evening Prayer service- around 6:45pm CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES- Saturday, December 24 We will be offering three services this Christmas Eve- including a new one in the morning. All services will have a candlelight component and as the day goes on the services will become more contemplative. If you plan to be at one of these services and wish to sign-up for a worship role, please see Julie. Christmas Eve worship times are: • 10am in Hope's Gym • 6pm & 10pm in Hope's Sanctuary VIRTUAL WORSHIP • Sunday, December 25 o 9am Virtual Children's Sermon (online only via Facebook & YouTube) • Sunday, January 1 o 9am Virtual Lessons & Carols (online only via Facebook & YouTube) YOUTH HOPE YOUTH GROUP & KIDZ: All youth who wish to attend are asked to fill out the 2022-2023 Code of Conduct & Contact Form as well as RSVP weekly. You can do so here: www.hopearcade.org/hopeyouth. Hope KIDZ: 5-6:30pm Hope Youth Group: 6:30-8pm. HOPE CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: All youth are invited to participate in this year’s production "A Christmas Yarn." Let Pastor or Julie know of your child’s interest. Practices will be held: • Sunday, December 11 at 10am • Tuesday, December 13 at 6pm with pizza! (There will be no Hope KIDZ or YG this night, only practice) • Saturday, December 17 at 9am Dress Rehearsal! • Sunday, December 18 at 9am Final Practice AT HOPE FOR CHRISTMAS: On Sunday, December 11 sing-along and enjoy the sounds of the season as Hope's musicians rock out to beloved Christmas hits, hymns and carols! The concert will be from 5-7pm and attendees are welcome to pack a picnic to enjoy during the concert. Before the concert you are invited to watch the Buffalo Bills take on the NY Jets on the big screen in the gym from 1-4pm. OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE & SERVE GIVING TREE: A special tree is located in the Parish Hall that will have gift tags with names of individuals from local SASI homes and other families in need, with items they would like to receive. You are asked to take a tag and return the wrapped gift, with tag attached, on or before December 11th. AT HOPE FOR CHRISTMAS: We are looking for At Hope for Christmas Sponsors to help us put on this concert in Hope's Gym and feature it online on Sunday, December 11. You can be a sponsor for $50 and can give to the church office or with your weekly offering. CHRISTMAS MAGIC: This year Hope is excited to bring a LIVE nativity scene to the Annual Arcade Area Christmas Magic Event. This year the event will take place at the Arcade Park on December 8th. We are looking for several adults and children to play the role of nativity characters from 6-8pm (in 30-minute time slots). If you are interested, please see Julie. SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS: Salvation Army Bell ringers are needed at the Tops in Arcade from November 15- Christmas Eve. You can sign-up for one-hour blocks of time from 10 am to 6 pm (not on Sundays). To volunteer call Dawn Harrison: 585-492-2428 CANS!!! Any cans that are placed in the purple bin will now support special projects at Hope. Keep those cans coming!