Resident Evil 2 Remake - Leon (2nd Run)
Faster walkthrough (including cutscenes) of Leon's secondary story in Resident Evil 2 Remake. No commentary. 0:00 Intro cutscenes 1:33 Leon gameplay 5:30 Investigate the police station 8:33 Leon gets a glimpse of Tyrant 13:07 Roll Film (Lion Statue combo) & Unicorn Medallion 16:49 Lion Medallion 19:31 Maiden Medallion 21:39 William Birkin (G) fight 24:22 Leon meets Ada 26:22 Leon meets Ben 28:56 Tool (crank) 29:32 Diamond key (don't need) 30:38 Car key (Matilda Gun Stock) 32:26 Electronic Part 33:34 Large Gear 36:48 Clover key 38:09 Tool (library lift) 39:51 Electronic Part 2 42:49 Parking Garage Key Card 50:23 Gun Shop Kendo 54:08 Sewers 59:16 Ada vs Annette 1:09:53 Back to Leon 1:18:22 Chemical Flamethrower 1:23:33 Chess puzzle 1:24:47 Save Ada 1:29:05 Head to the lab 1:33:36 Investigate the lab 1:37:16 Ladder code (puzzle) 1:39:07 Dispersal Cartridge Solution code (puzzle) 1:40:33 Dispersal Cartridge Solution mix (puzzle) 1:42:58 Dispersal Cartridge Herbicide 1:44:25 Kill Plant 43 1:45:57 Get the G-Virus sample in the West Area 1:49:55 Return to Ada 1:54:41 Leon confronts Ada 1:57:53 Escape the lab 2:03:00 "True" Ending 2:08:22 Credits 2:15:22 Results Claire's story • Resident Evil 2 Remake - Claire