Old cucumber and pork shanks soup with dried sea whelks and cordyceps flowers🔴老黃瓜清熱袪濕湯老黃瓜螺片蟲草花豬腱湯🔴
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 老黃瓜清熱袪濕湯 老黃瓜螺片蟲草花豬腱湯 材料: 老黃瓜3斤 豬腱一斤半 螺片2塊 蟲草花50克 薏米30克 蜜棗4粒 薑4片 處理: 1. 螺片,清水浸一小時。 2. 薏米,清水浸30分鐘。 3. 老黃瓜,清水洗刷乾淨,打直一開二,去籽,切一舊舊。 4. 薏米,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。 5. 螺片已浸了30分鐘,清水洗乾淨。 6. 蟲草花,放碗內。 7. 蜜棗,清水洗乾淨。 8. 豬腱,大火煲滾一鑊水,出水3分鐘,清水洗乾淨。 烹調: 1. 大火煲滾清水5升。 2. 除蟲草花外,所有材料放煲內,大火滾起,轉中火煲一小時。 3. 蟲草花,清水洗乾淨。 4. 蟲草花,加入湯內,煲30分鐘。 5. 熄火,焗一小時以上。 6. 完成,可享用。 Old cucumber and pork shanks soup with dried sea whelks and cordyceps flowers Ingredients: Old cucumber 3 catty Pork shanks 1.5 catty Dried sea whelks 2 Nos. Cordyceps flowers 50g Barley 30g Candied dates 4 Nos. Ginger 4 slices Preparation: 1. The whelks, soak in tap water for an hour. 2. Barley, soak in tap water for 30 minutes. 3. Cucumber, rinse with a brush. Divide it into 2 shares vertically. Remove seeds. Cut in pieces. 4. Barley, rinse thoroughly. Drain. 5. Whelks have been soaked for 30 minutes, rinse with tap water. 6. Cordyceps flowers, put in a bowl. 7. The dates, rinse with tap water. 8. Pork shanks, heat up a wok of water at high flame. Boil for 3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Steps: 1. Heat up 5L of water at high flame in pot. 2. Except cordyceps flowers, put all the ingredients in the pot. Heat up at high flame. Turn to medium flame and boil for an hour. 3. Cordyceps flowers, rinse with tap water. 4. Cordyceps flowers, put in the soup. Boil for 30 minutes. 5. Turn off fire. Leave it for an hour or more. 6. Complete. Serve. 老黃瓜清熱袪濕湯 老黃瓜螺片蟲草花豬腱湯 Old cucumber and pork shanks soup with dried sea whelks and cordyceps flowers Weather always changes during this time. Boil this soup to make you stronger. 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴我要食老豆浸皮 • 作為仔女👫的你👈係需要理解一下🙏作為父母的你🧔🧑🦱更加需要知多啲🙏爺爺嫲... 🟢煲靚湯🔥((系列(播放清單)📝 • 煲靚湯🔥((系列(播放清單)📝 🌈這系列全部影片都已有中英文翻譯 🟠黃油手撕雞 • 非常簡單手撕雞👋🐓非常容易😊非常好食😋買到黃油雞🐓就做手撕雞🐓用電飯煲就做... 🔴雞骨草煲羅漢果茶 • 雞骨草煲羅漢果🌾幫你清除身體毒素💢夜訓必飲🌗通宵捱夜🙄清肝最好🥇點買最好👍... 🟣去濕薏米魚湯 • 去濕魚湯🐟重點話你知📣滾出精華🎉🐠💯自己屋企先煲到😋🍲有湯有餸🐠如何簡易做... ⚪驅寒炒薏米 • 薏米水 👍闢寒❄炒薏米🍳美白👍 🟠甘草羅漢果茶 • 羅漢果甘草茶🫖成日咳🥱喉嚨又痛😖大家要保護肺功能🫁快啲煲嚟飲👈清甜味甘無添... 🔥🔥🔥我有3700多條片🎬大家入呢個網址 😁全部可以睇曬🙏 https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥I have more than 3700 movies🎬Everyone enters this URL 😁All can be viewed 🙏 https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip