The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – The Truth About Our Plastic Problem 🌊♻️

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – The Truth About Our Plastic Problem 🌊♻️

There’s a garbage patch in the ocean twice the size of Texas—and it’s still growing. But did you know there are actually five of these swirling plastic nightmares across our oceans? Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean, harming marine life, contaminating our food, and even making its way into our bodies. Cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch alone could cost $7.5 billion, but the real issue isn’t just removing plastic—it’s stopping it at the source. Only 9% of plastic is ever recycled, while the rest pollutes our environment. Unless we reduce plastic production and change our habits, these patches will keep growing. So what can we do? Ditch single-use plastics, support sustainable alternatives, and demand better policies. The ocean needs our help, and it starts with action. 🌍 Join Forevergreen and be part of the solution—click the link in our bio to learn more! #PlasticPollution #SaveOurOceans #GreatPacificGarbagePatch #Forevergreen #EcoFriendly #Sustainability 📢 What’s one plastic item you’ve swapped for a reusable alternative? Let us know in the comments! 💬