14  Pregnancy Signs Of Baby Boy !

14 Pregnancy Signs Of Baby Boy !

Here are 14 early pregnancy signs you’re having a boy:. While this isn’t completely backed by science, there have been old wives' tales and signs that you may be having a little boy, even before getting your ultrasound or blood test. 14 early pregnancy signs you’re having a boy, early pregnancy signs you’re having a boy, pregnancy signs you’re having a boy, pregnancy signs of boy vs girl, pregnancy signs of a baby boy, baby boy prediction, baby boy prediction symptoms, erkek bebek işaretleri, bebeğinizin erkek olduğunu nasıl anlarız If you like it, please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel, turn on the BELL and LIKE! Chat and ask questions about health issues, illnesses, tests, symptoms and medical issues with TEST TV. 0:00 Giriş 0:14 You Feel Relaxed 0:24 Your hands lay a certain way on your belly 0:38 Your hair starts growing thick and long 0:55 You dream about female babies 1:09 Little-to-no morning sickness 1:38 You crave salty snacks 2:15 Your ultrasound reveals a big baby 2:28 reveals a fast heartbeat 2:57 13 Your partner doesn't gain sympathy weight 3:14 Your feet are always cold