December 19, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent Service by the Rev. J. T. Kim of the First United Methodist Church of Riverside, California. December 19th, 2021 https://firstchurchriverside.org Music Copyright License Information: Prelude: “In dulci jubilo” by Johann Michael Bach. Public Domain Advent Candle Song: “Christ, Be Our Light!” by Bernadette Farrell. OneLicense Song #80229, OneLicense A-735776. Prayer Response: "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord," by George Whelpton. Public Domain. Children’s Chime Choir: “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,” arranged by Gayla Lonsbery. Public Domain. Interlude: “Joy to the World” arranged by Gayla Lonsbery. Public Domain. Anthem: "For To Us," traditional French melody, words and arrangement by Tom Fettke. From "God Came Near--The Miracle and Majesty of Christmas," by Tom Fettke and Max Lucado. One License A-735776. Offering Song: “As We Seek Your Face/Jesus, Draw Me Close” (Medley) by Dave Bilbrough and Rick Founds. ©1999 Maranatha! Music. CCLI Song # 442375; CCLI Song #443680, CCLI License #11231812. Sending Hymn: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” by Charles Wesley, alt. by George Whitefield etc.; music by Felix Mendelssohn, arr. by William H. Cummings. Public Domain. Postlude: “Toccata on ‘Adeste Fideles’” by David H. Hegarty. ©1985 The Lorenz Corporation, CCLI Song #651771, CCLI License #11231812.