Counting Fish 1-10 | Learn Numbers & Counting 123 for Kids with Fish | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs

Counting Fish 1-10 | Learn Numbers & Counting 123 for Kids with Fish | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs

The "Counting Fish Song" is a fun and engaging way for children to learn counting while exploring the underwater world. With catchy verses and a lively chorus, kids are invited to go fish hunting and count the fish they encounter, from one to ten. Each verse introduces different little fish swimming together, creating a vibrant and playful atmosphere. This song encourages participation, helping children develop their counting skills in an enjoyable and memorable way. Lyrics: 🎣 Let’s go fish hunting, under the sea, Come along, count with me! One little fish, swimming around, Let’s count more—look what we found! Counting fish, 1, 2, 3, Swimming fast and wild and free! 4, 5, 6, in the sea, We’ll count to 10, come with me! 🐠 Two little fish, side by side, Three little fish, ride the tide! Four little fish, darting near, Five little fish, crystal clear! Counting fish, 6, 7, 8, Swimming fast—don’t be late! 9 and 10, splashing bright, We counted fish—what a sight! 🐟 Six little fish, flipping their tails, Seven little fish, leaving bubbly trails! Eight little fish, zooming past, Nine little fish, swimming so fast! Ten little fish, big and small, We counted them—we found them all! Counting fish, 1 to 10, Let’s swim and count again! Underwater, here we go, Counting fish fast or slow! 🌊 Now our fish hunt is all done, Counting fish was so much fun! Let’s do it again, sing along, Counting fish in a happy song! In this video, we focus on Children's Education, teaching essential Human Values and the importance of Positive Behavior through engaging Educational Stories and lively Learning Songs. We believe that Play-Based Learning is an effective way to enhance Social Skills Development in children. Through Positive Learning, we help kids build Self-Esteem and teach them the significance of Cooperation and Sharing in their daily lives. Join us on this inspiring educational journey! Other stories and songs you might like:    ‱ Cuentos y canciones para niños en esp...   #Children's Education #Human Values #Positive Behavior #Educational Stories #Learning Songs #Play-Based Learning #Social Skills Development #Positive Learning #Building Self-Esteem #Cooperation and Sharing #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #kids , #cartoon , #animation , #disney , #cocomelon , #babyshark , #wheelsonthebus , #childrensongs , #musicforchildren , #learnbysinging , #educationalsongs , #lyricsforchildren , #funsongsforchildren , #animatedsongs #forchildren #songsforbabies , #classicchildrensongs , #popularchildrensongs , #traditionalchildrensongs , #educationalvideosforchildren , #songstolearnnumbers , #songstolearncolors , #SongsToLearnThe #alphabet #lullabies , #SongsAbout #animals #interactivesongsforchildren , #SongsForChildrenParties, #DisneySongsForChildren #countingsongs , #childrensongs , #fishsong , #educationalmusic , #kidsmusic , #underwateradventure , #learningtocount , #funwithnumbers , #interactivesongsforchildren , #marinelife , #songsforkids , #singalong , #preschoolsongs , #countingfun , #FishCounting, #joyfullearning , #musicaleducation , #songsforlearning , #playfulmusic , #naturesongs , #oceansongs , #countinggames , #happysongs , #songsfortoddlers , #engagingactivities . #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #childrensongs #babysongs #preschoolsongs #toddlersongs #singalong #kidsmusic #educationalsongs #learningsongs #funsongsforkids #englishnurseryrhymes #kidsdancesongs #babyrhymes #kidsentertainment #babymusic #musicforkids #songsfortoddlers #songsforchildren #learningnumbers #countingsongs #alphabetsongs #abcsong #learningcolors #shapessong #daysoftheweeksong #months of the #yearsong, #educationalvideos , #learningvideosforkids , #phonicssongs #spelling #song #readingsongs #learningabcs #english #songsforkids #dance #songsforkids #action #songs #move and #groove #jump and #dance #clapyourhands #song #wiggle #song #stomping #songs #exercise for #kids #dancing #kidssongs #fun #movementsongs , #animalsongs #zooanimals #farmanimals #oldmacdonaldhadafarm #jungleanimals #oceananimals #song #dinosaursongs #lion #songsforkids #dog and #cat #songs #TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar #wheelsonthebus #baabaablacksheep #fivelittlemonkeys #babyshark #rowrowrowyourboat #hickorydickorydockcomposition #kidsbirthdaysong #partysongs #kids #celebrationsongs #balloon #songs #funkidssongs #happysongs #forkids #smile #song #lovesongs #forkids #laughing #songs #fun #sillysongs #lullabies #forkids #bedtime #songs #soothing #songs #calmmusic #forkids #sleepytime #songs #holiday #songs #christmassongs #forkids #halloween #songs #easter #songs #summer #songs #spring #songs #english #songs #spanish #songs #forkids #french #songs #forkids #german #songs #forkids #portuguese #kidssongs #multilingual #nurseryrhymes