Hyderabadi Dawaton Wala Special Marag Recipe 😍😍Marag soup 🍲🍲Nizami Marag

Hyderabadi Dawaton Wala Special Marag Recipe 😍😍Marag soup 🍲🍲Nizami Marag

#muttongravy #muttonsouprecipe #beef #muttonrecipe #beefrecipe #beefcurry #food#hyderbadimarag#marag #muttonmarag #beefmarag#hyderbadifood #wintersspecial #hyderbadeimuttonmarag Ingredients:- 1kg Beef /mutton 2 Onion 3tablespoon dalda ghee/butter 4-5 cloves 3-5Cardamom 2 inch cinnamon stick 1/2 tsp Caraway seeds/shajeera 2tsp ginger garlic paste 100g cashews 100g Almand 4tsp Amul cream 2tsp green chilli paste 1tsp black pepper powder Hand full of coriander and ment leaves 5-6 green chillies how to make mutton marag by hyderabad wala,hyderabadibawarchi style mutton marag recipe,hyderabadi functions walamutton marag recipe,best marag in hyderabad mutton maragbenefits,mutton marag shadiyon ka patla salan,mutton marag bymy kitchen tasty dishes,shadiyon wala mutton maragrecipe,mutton marag banane ka tarika,shadi wala mutton maragrecipe,mutton marag hyderabadi recipe in hindi,mutton maraghyderabadi wala,best mutton marag in hyderabad,hyderabadimutton marag,nizami mutton marag . . . . . hyderabadi mutton marag, hyderabadi marag, mutton marag,shadiyon wali marag recipe, hyderabadi marag recipe in hindi,cook with fem hyderabadi marag recipe, marag recipe by cookwith fem, marag recipe in hindi, hyderabadi mutton marag bycook with fem, marag, hyderabadi recipes, hyderabadi muttonrecipes, mutton recipes, easy mutton recipes, hyderabadicuisine, mutton recipe, simple recipes, nonveg recipes, indianrecipes, cook with fem recipes, how to make marag, hyderabadimarriage style recipes, marag recipe #hyderabadimarag