Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies | Sourdough Recipes and Healthy Cookies

Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies | Sourdough Recipes and Healthy Cookies

It is true, healthy chocolate chip cookies really do exist. Well, it is a "healthier version" when you make them sourdough chocolate chip cookies! Video: 0:18 Benefits of Sourdough 1:50 Sourdough starter "ANIMAL" 2:36 Recipe Timeline (3-4 Days) 3:28 Feeding Sourdough Starter 8:08 Mixing Cookie Dough 19:02 Baking Cookies SOURDOUGH CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES RECIPE HERE: SOURDOUGH CRACKERS RECIPE HERE: I title this “healthy” not because it is necessarily good for your body (although a moderate dose of sweet treats are good for the soul). Rather, I’m calling it healthy because the slow fermentation process will crack open the nutrients of the flour which is good for our bodies. Flour is actually healthy for you. It contains nutrients like selenium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, and thiamin that are all very good for you. The slow fermentation of sourdough allows the living organisms in the sourdough starter to “chew on” and break apart the nutrients so that it is easier for our bodies to absorb. Super good, yes! So make these sourdough chocolate chip cookies with delight! ABOUT US Our desire is to make the day to day needs of living our own responsibility. We want to reap the benefits of acquiring new skills, eating good tasting and foods, thinking up solutions and experiencing the accomplishments of doing things ourself. Read the stories we record, and we hope that you leave with inspiration to improve a rusty skill or spruce up an old recipe. Follow us at See more of our stories here: Instagram:   / mountainvalleyrefuge   Facebook:   / mountainvalleyrefuge   Pinterest: Epidemic Sound: Thank you for your support!