Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today's Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I30.01.2023
Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today's Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I30.01.2023 ENGLISH VERSION: Today's Bible Verse (30.01.2023): VERSE: Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life. (ISAIAH 43:4 KJV) EXPLANATION: Today is a wonderful day made by the Lord! He is encouraging you with His promise found in Isaiah 43:4 where He says, “You are precious and honoured in My sight” What a loving word has to come to you, today! Are you saying that you are burdened and beaten in this world? Are you crying today thinking about your weaknesses that have caused you shame, lack and humiliation? Is nothing working out for you? Do you feel like you have lost your value in this world and feel useless? It is to you, my beloved, that God says, “Come away, My child! So, come away from everything that makes you feel bad about yourself. Come to the Lord’s presence and hear His voice whispering to you, “You are precious and you are honoured in My sight, my beloved.” What a loving Lord we have! In the Bible, we see that the Israelites were always complaining and murmuring against Moses, even though, he was only sacrificially trying to lead them away from the bondage of slavery into a beautiful land full of blessings. Whenever there was a lack, they blamed Moses saying he was not a good leader. How much this would have broken his heart? That’s why God called Moses away to His presence, to the top of the mountain where Moses could meet God in His glory. In Exodus Chapter 33, the Lord said to Moses that His presence will always go with him and thus Moses was filled with God’s glory. When he came back from the Lord’s presence, his face was so radiant that the people were afraid to look at him. Yes, Moses was fully loved by the Lord and was lost in His presence. He felt precious and honoured in God’s sight. My beloved, just as how the Lord transformed Moses, He will transform you too. You will become precious and honoured in His sight. You will carry the Lord’s presence wherever you go and forget about all the deformities of the world. God will make you into a new person and send you back to the place where you have seen lack. God’s grace will operate in great measure through you. You are always precious to the King of kings Himself! So, do not be worried! PRAYER: Precious Lord, thank You for encouraging me through Your promise. You are always there to sustain me and lift me up when I am put down. Lord, I come away from everything that is making me feel so low and depressed. I put them aside and I come running to Your presence, today. Your presence is uplifting to my soul. Lord, I pray that Your glory will fill me and transform my life so that it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me. Let me find honour in Your sight. I thank You, Lord, for You are blessing me and adding value to my life because I am precious in Your sight. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe to our Channel "Today Bible Verse in Tamil" (TBVT) : Subscribe: / todaybibleverseintamil #todaybibleverseintamil #todaybibleverse #todaysbibleverse #TBVT_TodaysBibleVerse #TBVT_Todaysverse #tbvt_january30 #january30 #todayverse #TBVT #TBVT_Today today bible verse in tamil,today bible verse,god's word for you today,bible verse today,tamil bible verse,indraya vasanam,today's bible verse,today bible verse tamil,bible verses tamil,today's bible verse in tamil,bible verse today in tamil,bible verse of the day,today's bible words,bible verse of today,daily bible verse tamil,today bible words,daily bible words,bible,today vasanam,today vasanam in tamil,bible verses,tamil bible,god's word today