Band 6 or Band 7 Senior Nurse Interview and Questions

Band 6 or Band 7 Senior Nurse Interview and Questions

Having been an interviewer for many years, I am sharing my key tips to help you prepare Band 6 and Band 7 interview questions to give you the best chance of success at interview. Good luck in your interview! šŸ˜ŠšŸ€ If you need to do a presentation as part of your interview, then check out my video '5 Tips to Help You Prepare a Presentation for a Nursing Interview' with lots of helpful advice, see link below: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā 5Ā TipsĀ toĀ HelpĀ YouĀ PrepareĀ aĀ Presenta...Ā Ā  I hope you find the other free videos on my YouTube channel useful, such as: 'Preparing a Nursing Personal Statement for a Band 6 or 7 Senior Nurse role.' Let me know if there are any topics you want covering in the future and look out for new video uploads on Sundays. My channel offers practical guidance to support nurses' career development, from new starters to senior nurses. Iā€™m passionate about nursesā€™ career progression and Iā€™m sharing everything Iā€™ve learnt over my 33 years as a Registered Nurse and Registered Nurse Tutor. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of these links go on to my website and social media, and some are affiliate links where Iā€™ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. šŸ“š My books: šŸ“š How to Prepare for Interviews and Develop Your Career as a Nurse or Midwife: šŸ“š How to Thrive as a Newly Registered Nurse: šŸ“š Recommended book: šŸ“š Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free career development tips: Ā Ā Ā /Ā @carolforde-johnstonĀ Ā  Follow me: Twitter: @FordeJohnston Instagram: @fordejohnstoncarol My website: ā˜• Buy Me a Coffee: Music from Youtube Audio Library Music by: Dan Lebowitz Track Title: After You