UPDATED Abdominal Self Massage for Constipation

UPDATED Abdominal Self Massage for Constipation

UPDATED Abdominal Self Massage for Constipation πŸ’© Constipation Course πŸ’© https://melissawest.com/constipationc... πŸ’© Yoga for Constipation πŸ’© http://bit.ly/youtubeconstipation Abdominal Self-Massage for Constipation Abdominal massage is one of the best ways to solve constipation. You can do it right before you go to bed and right after you wake up in the morning. Usually you will feel the need to clear your bowels after doing this abdominal self-massage for constipation. 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor 2. Rub your hands together until they are warm 3. Take your first two fingers (index and middle) and make clockwise circles around your navel 4. Now massage your large intestine. Start from the bottom right hand side, go across the top and then go down the bottom left side. Circline 9-18 times as you move up, across and down. If you find a painful spot or knot, spend more time there. 5. To massage your small intestines, come into the area inside of the large intestines. Now make small circles in this inner circle 3-9 times as you circle back into the navel. 6. If you feel a big lump while you are doing the massage at bedtime, put your palm over it and sleep with it there until morning. This will soften the knot, release pain and allow you to release your bowels more easily the next morning. Purchase Sesame Oil for Your Self Massage for Constipation from: Amazon.com https://amzn.to/3tZFeEu Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/39ktdQv (Amazon are affiliate links where I earn a small percentage if you choose to purchase) Jubel https://www.jubelnaturals.ca/products... (as shown in video) πŸ–²οΈπŸ’Œ Subscribe To My Channel πŸ’ŒπŸ–±οΈhttp://bit.ly/ylwmelissa πŸ–²οΈπŸ’Œ Subscribe To My Main Channel πŸ’ŒπŸ–±οΈhttp://bit.ly/ywmelissa πŸ”” Thanks for setting the bell to β€œAll” when you Subscribe! πŸ”” https://melissawest.com/ Β Β /Β drmelissawestΒ Β  Β Β /Β yogawithdrmelissawestΒ Β  https://www.pinterest.ca/drmelissawest/ πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”»PLAYLISTS πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”»πŸ”» ▢️ πŸ’© Yoga for Constipation πŸ’© http://bit.ly/youtubeconstipation ▢️ Myofascial Release http://bit.ly/ylwmfascia ▢️ πŸ€“ Eye Yoga πŸ€“ http://bit.ly/ylwmeyeyoga ▢️ Yin Yoga http://bit.ly/ylwmyin ▢️ πŸ₯± Sleep Yoga 😴 http://bit.ly/ylwmsleep ▢️ πŸ™ Mudras πŸ™ http://bit.ly/ylwmmudras ▢️ 30 Day Challenge http://bit.ly/ylwm30day ▢️ πŸ’¨Breath πŸ’¨ http://bit.ly/ylwmbreath πŸ™‹Do you want support in your DAILY YOGA PRACTICE? We would love to welcome you into our MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITYπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© http://bit.ly/ywmmembership πŸ’’ or πŸ’ Support Free Online Yoga with a Donation πŸ’ https://melissawest.com/donations/ πŸ“š Buy Me a Poetry Book or Oracle Card Deck πŸ“š https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/dl/... 🎁 My Gifts to You 🎁 πŸ’© Constipation Relief Under 10 Days πŸ’© https://melissawest.com/constipated/ 😴 7 Days of Yoga for Better Sleep πŸ₯± https://melissawest.com/sleep/ πŸ™ Mudras PDF πŸ™ https://melissawest.com/mudras/ 😰 10 Days of Yoga for Anxiety 😰 https://melissawest.com/anxiety/ 😭 8 Days of Yoga for Back Pain 😭 https://melissawest.com/backpain/ πŸ€“ Learn Yin Yoga in 5 Days πŸ€“ https://melissawest.com/yinyoga5/ πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸ“¬ Please mail letters, packages and PR to: πŸ“¬ Dr. Melissa West PO Box 23022 Cook St. Victoria BC Canada V8V 4Z8 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 πŸƒ πŸ’š 🌿 Yoga with Melissa recommends consulting your physician or other healthcare provider before starting any yoga or movement program. You should understand that there is a risk of injury associated with participating in any physical movement. This is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. By voluntarily participating in this exercise program or using the information provided, you assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and discharge Yoga with Melissa/Melissa West from all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising from use of this video or information therein.