Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2021
Watch Mass as the Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary Community celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. “Am I not the source of your joy?” These words of Our Lady of Guadalupe took on a special significance on December 12, as the PSJS community celebrated a Mass on Our Lady’s feast day. The Mass, organized by the PSJS Hispanic Affairs Committee, was celebrated by the Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Brian Kiely, entirely in Spanish. It included Spanish music provided by the Hispanic Music Ministry at St. Stephen’s Church in Framingham, Massachusetts. The devotion recalls a series of appearances to St. Juan Diego in December 1531 near present-day Mexico City. The Blessed Mother left what is now known as the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on his ‘tilma’, or outer garment. The PSJS community has for several years celebrated bilingual Masses in Spanish and English every Friday throughout the seminary year and for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The December 12 Mass was the first PSJS Mass celebrated entirely in Spanish. Seminarian Edgar Serrano '23, who is active in the local Hispanic community, organized the liturgy. After the Mass, the entire PSJS community enjoyed a meal with numerous Spanish dishes, including foods prepared by the PSJS refectory staff, as well as members of St. Stephen’s, PSJS Professor Nilza Gonzalez-Pedemonte and PSJS staff member Julio Carreiro. Seminarian Joe Gonzalez '24, the committee president, provided an authentic reproduction of the Our Lady of Guadalupe image for the Mass. He shared words capturing the spirit of the day: “I am proud to be “Guadalupano”! She is the source of our joy!” Learn more about the feast day here: http://saintsresource.com/our-lady-of... www.psjs.edu