If you are planning for an upcoming drug test and are perhaps nervous that your recent use of cannabis (could very well be legal consumption!) will affect your result, then you have come to the right place. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS WATCH THIS VIDEO AND FOLLOW THE ADVISE. This video covers all the basics and tells you what you need to do in order to successfully pass the test. This is a rapid fire video with all the basics and if you need more details on each topic, please watch my other videos on individual practices to help you remove THC and pass your test. To be honest, the way people pass a drug test (for cannabis) is to abstain (yes, painfully obvious but true), giving enough time to naturally allow THC metabolites to leave the body and then practicing certain habits to more rapidly remove these metabolites - such as drinking more water, eating the right food, introducing natural vitamins and supplements (these will be discussed in the video) and also consuming fluids that increase the speed of removing evidence of consumption (such as cranberry juice, palo azul tea, etc.). In combination, it is THIS practice that guarantees the best result - passing a drug test! And this is what I want YOU to do. Good luck!! Diet Detox Video:    • PASS YOUR DRUG TEST WITH THE RIGHT FO...   Palo Azul Tea:    • Palo Azul Tea for Passing Drug Tests?...   Milk Thistle:    • REMOVE EVIDENCE OF CANNABIS WITH MILK...   Cranberry Juice:    • PASS A DRUG TEST WITH CRANBERRY JUICE...   The BEST AT-HOME drug testing kits are the following (and easy to purchase!): Best Overall: Identify Diagnostics: Most Affordable: Easy@Home: Best for THC: Exploro: Most Drugs Detectible: Areta: Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more related content. The guaranteed way to pass a drug test for marijuana is to: Abstain, give yourself time after abstinence, have a good diet (healthy food, low fat), drink lots of water and exercise. However, sometimes more than this is needed (vitamins, supplements, etc.) and this video talks about these as well. FREE BOOK: I have published a FREE 30-page Book that details the Marijuana Drug Testing Process. It also discusses in more detail, how to rapidly remove THC from you body. I wish I could add the PDF directly to this page, but I cannot. Please click on the link and then click on "FREE BOOKS AND HANDOUTS" at the top of the page. You will then see the book "Marijuana Drug Testing 101." Click on download and you will have a complimentary copy. The book: Please be advised that I do NOT recommend cheating the system and please, never resort to methods of manipulation to pass a drug test in a court of law. It is likely your troubles will only get worse, if detected. Further, and to probably beat a dead horse: Please, only proceed with the drug testing process lawfully. I discuss all kinds of methods that are rumored to help detoxing and I do this to enlighten those who are considering such methods that they are not necessarily good ideas. As important as doing things lawfully is that it is imperative to take your health into consideration. Do not ever do anything that may be harmful. For more details about Marijuana DUIs, here is the first book ever published that focuses specifically on Marijuana DUIs and the new laws ("per se" laws) that make marijuana DUI cases so difficult.