Butterscotch Pudding | Pudding Recipe | Easy & Quick Dessert Recipe
Butterscotch Pudding | Pudding Recipe | Easy & Quick Dessert Recipe Easy Dessert Recipes | Dessert Recipes #butterscotch #pudding #puddingrecipe #easypudding #dessert #dessert recipe #easyrecipe #dessertrecipes #hirakhawaja Butter scotch pudding Ingredients & Procedure; Grease a plate with oil .7-8 cashews .9-8 Almonds .3/4 cup sugar .melt the sugar on low heat .stir it continuously . Turn off the flame .add 1 or 2 pinch baking soda .1 Tbsp Butter .Pour 1/4 cup butter scotch on dry fruits .let it cool & keep it aside .add 1 cup fresh cream or milk cream ( Malai) . again turn on the flame and cook it on low flame until they dissolve completely .add 2 Tbsp milk Mix .turn off the flame Let it cool down .crush the butter scotch into very small pieces .1.5 cup chilled heavy cream or ( 2 cup fresh cream) (you can add 1/4 cup condensed milk or 1/4 cup powdered sugar) .1 tsp vanilla essence .add some butter scotch crunch .add 1/3 cup liquid mixture of butter scotch Mix 4-5 bread slices ( cut the edges) Dip each slice into the liquidy butter scotch mixture & arange it into a dish .pour the creamy mixture over the slices .add butter scotch crunch .keep it into the refrigerator for 2-3 hours .serve after 2-3 hours DO like & subscribe our channel for more delicious Recipes , Thanks For watching