Been Here Before | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
Don’t surrender in the middle of the struggle. In “Been Here Before,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to hold fast to hope because God is with us in whatever we’re facing — and that’s a promise we can count on. #elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #beenherebefore #promise #deuteronomy #faithfulness #peace #wilderness #overcoming #growth #conqueror #struggles #hope #church #pastorstevenfurtick #2022sermon To take part in our Year-End offering and help us continue to reach people all around the world go to http://www.elevationchurch.org If you’ve just made a decision for Christ, please respond HERE: http://ele.vc/tIepfr Don't stop here! Join us on @elevationplus as we dive deeper into the sermon. To join this week's conversation, click here: • Been Here Before | CoffeeFam | Elevat... This sermon is also available in Spanish: • Ya He Estado Aquí | Pastor Steven Fur... See what God can do through you. This is the vision of Elevation Church, led by Pastor Steven Furtick and based in Charlotte, NC with multiple locations throughout the US and Canada. —— Stay Connected Website: http://ele.vc/9pHOrc Elevation Church Facebook: http://ele.vc/b9YVgW Elevation Church Instagram: http://ele.vc/PQo0M3 Steven Furtick YouTube: http://ele.vc/tn2sxe Steven Furtick Facebook: http://ele.vc/5Fb3qR Steven Furtick Instagram: http://ele.vc/kLuTvj Chapters: 0:00 - A Study Of Deuteronomy 8 & 9 4:57 - Been Here Before 7:26 - Have You Forgotten God's Faithfulness? 11:37 - God Didn't Promise That 14:29 - Why You Don't Possess Peace 18:40 - The Word Of God Is Not A Pill To Pop 20:44 - Coming Out Of The Wilderness 25:00 - Don't Become Passive Waiting For The Promise 22:25 - Sifted In The Wilderness 29:56 - "I Didn't Get What I Wanted From God" 33:54 - Here's The Message 37:11 - Why Did They Say That?! 40:18 - What Stops Us From Overcoming 42:43 - You Don't Have To Surrender To Your Struggle 46:21 - Uh, God! 49:10 - God Goes Before You 52:05 - You Decide If You Move Forward 55:32 - A Prayer For Those In The Wilderness Scripture References: Deuteronomy 8, verses 15-20 Deuteronomy 9, verses 1-5 Philippians 4, verses 6-9 Romans 8, verse 31 Been Here Before | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church