MALAYALAM Online Service | Sunday Live | 16th April 2023
WORD OF GOD BY : PR JOHNY C NIDHIRY WORSHIP LED BY: SR SIMI JOHNY LORD'S ANNOINTED TEAM : Br Clement, Sr Linu,, Br Mobin, Br George, Sr Ria, Br Gejoe, Br Surgeon, Sr. Aneeta, Cyrus, Daniel, Joel π΄To subscribe to our channel click on - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG_c... π΄In case of any needed prayer requests, testimonies, information, suggestions please email - [email protected] OR [email protected] #SundayWorship #Gospel #KingdomTrumpetersMinistries #Jesus #Worship #Word #PstJohnyNidhiry #WeeklySundayWorship