The Walking Dead: Season 1 | Full Gameplay Walkthrough (PC 4K60FPS) No Commentary
Hey everyone, this is my full game playthrough for The Walking Dead: Definitive Edition, season 1, running on the PC with no added commentary. Here's a couple of ways you could support the channel 🙂; ► Liking and commenting on the video if you enjoyed it ✔ ► Becoming a subscriber (https://www.youtube.com/c/FullPlaythr...) ✔ ► Tipping with a super thanks ✔ Thanks for watching! Comment below if you have any full playthrough suggestions or if you want to contribute to the channel as well! the walking dead,The walking dead game,the walking dead definitive edition,the walking dead season 1 ending game,the walking dead lee,the walking dead clementine,the walking dead season 1 ending,the walking dead 4k 60fps,full playthrough,longplay,walkthrough,no commentary,no commentary gameplay,the walking dead no commentary,the walking dead longplay,the walking dead ending gameplay #thewalkingdead #FullGame #walkthrough