GST & Indirect Tax | Top 30 MCQ |

GST & Indirect Tax | Top 30 MCQ |

| GST & Indirect Tax | | Goods & Services Tax | Top GST & Indirect Tax 30 MCQs|| Vital for Board Exam | SSB& PGT Exam|| UGC NET/JRF Exam | Part-1|| Must Revise & Excel Your Concept on GST#MCQ-16(d)# @Dr A B JENA CLASSES|| MOST EXPECTED 30 MCQs ON GST & INDIRECT TAX ## ========×××××= MCQ-16(d)/ These MCQs might be helpful and useful for to the Students of ▶️ BCOM and BBA Subject/Programme## ▶️MCOM and MBA Subject/Programme## ▶️ CA & ICWA Foundation Programme## @Dr A B JENA CLASSES## 30 Super MCQs on 1. GOODS & SERVICES TAX (GST)// 2. INDIRECT TAX## Kindky read as for MCQ-16 Answer/Option is d) Both SGST & CGST @ GST was introduced in India with effect from 1st July, 2017 @The incidence of tax is called the Tax cascading## @ Service tax has been abolished by GST @ GST is the Indirect Tax | GST Council | Stamp duty #Dr A B JENA CLASSES|| More Contact INFORMATION ====×=====×======= Facebook : [email protected] Gmail : [email protected] [email protected] YouTube Channel: Dr A B JENA CLASSES Some Important & VALUABLE ××===××====××====== ×× Contents & VIDEO Playlist are ××=====××====××====×× ▶️ General Management MCQ ▶️ Financial Management MCQ ▶️ Marketing Management MCQ ▶️ Cost Accounting MCQ ▶️ Management Accounting MCQ ▶️ Financial Accounting MCQs ▶️ Corporate Accounting MCQ ▶️ Income Tax MCQ ▶️ Business Studies MCQ ▶️Banking & Insurance MCQ ▶️ Stock Market Terms MCQ ▶️ India GK QUIZ ▶️Odisha GK QUIZ ▶️Finance & Business Term ▶️GK Short Forms ▶️Business Short Terms ▶️Business Environment MCQ ▶️Entrepreneurship MCQ ▶️Auditing MCQ ▶️Statistics MCQ ▶️Research Methodology MCQ ▶️Human Resource Management MCQ ▶️Corporate Governance MCQ ▶️Corporate Tax Planning MCQ ▶️ Business Law MCQ ▶️Corporate Law MCQ ▶️SSB Commerce MCQ Series ▶️PGT Commerce MCQ Series ▶️ UGC/NTA NET/JRF Commerce MCQ Series ▶️ Present Tense, Past Tense & Future Tense Friends,if any gap/mismatch found therein kindly give your valuable suggestions and comments in the comment section. Dear friends, if you like this video kindly share it among your friends for more subscription and like. Dear friends, Your valuable suggestions and comments are most welcome for next video. If any gap/mismatch in any MCQs, kindly give your valuable comments. ##THANKS A LOT TO ALL OF YOU##