नसों में दर्द अकड़न,नसों में कमजोरी ,दबी हुई नस ,साइटिका,Slip Disc का दर्द होगा 100% जड़ से ठीक I Pain
Subscribe NOW for more such videos :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYG Music by -pollen morning **New videos EVERY WEEK! Hi Guys! Welcome to my channel!!! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe! This video is all about my personal story , how I get rid of all heel and back pain challenges and what I do in my 50s for fit body and mind .Hope you like it and share it with your near and dear ones who needed this badly good luck इस वीडियो में नसों के दर्द, खिंचाव, एड़ी के दर्द, पिंडलियों में दर्द, खींचाव, मांसपेशियों के दर्द,हाथो में झनझनाहट , हाथो का सुन होना , नसों का ब्लॉक होना ,इनके बारे में बतायेगे आखिर क्या कारन से नसों में दर्द व हाथो की नसों में खिचाव होता है पाँव में कमर में सब के कारन और उनके क्या ट्रीटमेंट है जिसके इलाज से इन दर्द से दूर हुआ जा सकता है Video cover Topic Is नसों में दर्द, अकड़न, खिंचाव, दबी नस, साइटिका का घरेलू इलाज | Sciatica Pain Treatment .नसों मेंअकड़न नसों के रोग+, नसों की कमजोरी दर्द,और दबी हुई नसों को तुरंत खोलेगा Cure Nerve Weakness जानिए नसों के कमज़ोर होने के सबसे बड़े कारण और लक्षण गर्दन की नस में दर्द का इलाज || Cure for Neck Pain || गर्दन का दर्द कारण लक्षण उपाय || Cervical Pain Neuralgia Symptoms and Treatment | in Hindi | For making this oil I am using all kitchen spices and these are 1 -Morning drink for that take a glass of water add one 50 grams Brahmi powder 50 grams ashwagandha powder pr + Satavari powder mix well store in glass jar 2 -For making oil take a pan put it in low heat add 1/2 cup musturd oil heat oil till smokes coming out off the gas now add 4-5 cloves garlic and one tablespoon carrom seed leave oil to come out luke warm for massage 3- take hot water add one tablespoon rock salt and dry ginger powder mix well and after massaging do fomentation with this water 4- 1/4 th tablespoon turmuric powder +1/4th table spoon Manjistha powder +1/2 table spoon vacha powder add one glass water in pan boil all when water became half strain and drink morning and evening TOPICS - naso me dard akran naso me kamjori dabi hui nas slip disc ka dard hoga jad se 100% theek Ghutno kamar aur eri ke dard ka ramban ilaj holistic health with punita punita jha knee pain ka gharelu ilaj kamar me dard ka ilaj morning heel pain treatment joints pain ka gharelu ilaj back pain ka ilaj ghutno ke dard ka ilaj desi ilaj ghutno me dard ka gharelu upay knee pain knee replacement exercise for knee pain ghutno ka dard knee pain relief exercise kamar aur ghutno ke dard ka gharelu upay ghutna dard kamar dard #nasomedardkailaj #ghutnomedardkadesiupay #kamardardaghareluilaj # #jointspainkaghareluilaj nadi me blockage sujan varicose veins kamjor nase bare blockage ka ilaj joints pain का इलाज varicose vein ka ilaj edi me dard ka ilaj mansapeshiyon me dard ka ilaj body aur joints pain ka desi ilaj Causes of morning heel pain and its managements (You can connect with me on my socials or mention in comment section if you are interested in knowing more about the product Thank you for all the love and support! Love you all, Punita ____________________________________________________________________________________ About Me: My name is Punita Jha. I am Beauty and Wellness Consultant by profession and an enthusiast at sharing my knowledge with the world. My channel name is Holistic Health With Punita, the name itself says everything. This is where we empower holistic health therefore, I will give you all secrets of living a healthier life (Best of nature & science) and enriching real beauty (No false promises, just simple & honest beauty) with lots of why’s and how’s. Lots of natural recipes for healthy living. We'll also discuss detailed information of different lifestyle diseases and cures through natural home remedies and products. I am always open to your suggestion and reaction. Let us know what you'd like to watch next in the comment section and we will update our upcoming contents on regular basis accordingly. I hope you enjoy and learn something through this channel. ____________________________________________________________________________________ My Social/Connect with me - INSTAGRAM - / holistichealthwithpunita YOUTUBE - / @holistichealthwithpunita FACEBOOK- / holistichealthwithpunita Official email - [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________ ✦ DISCLAIMER ✦ The content on my channel is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any information associated with my content (including videos) should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical or health care advice. Viewers are requested to employ their own discretion while using this information.