LOGISTICS Interview Questions & Answers! (Logistics Coordinator + Logistics Manager Interview!)

LOGISTICS Interview Questions & Answers! (Logistics Coordinator + Logistics Manager Interview!)

Logistics Interview Questions & Answers by Richard McMunn of: https://passmyinterview.com/logistics... #logisticsinterviewquestions #logisticsmanager #logisticsjobs If you have either a logistics, operations or supply chain interview coming up, make sure you check out this training video by interview coach, Richard McMunn. In this video, he will cover: Essential tips for passing any Logistics or Logistics Manager interview; Tough Logistics interview questions and high-scoring answers; The QUALITIES you have to demonstrate during your Logistics interview; Additional resources for passing your Logistics or Logistics Manager interview. CHECK OUT MY OTHER RELATED INTERVIEW VIDEOS: Supply Chain Management:    • SUPPLY CHAIN Interview Questions And ...   Amazon Interview Questions:    • AMAZON Interview Questions And Answer...   Delivery Driver:    • DELIVERY DRIVER Interview Questions a...   Operations Manager:    • OPERATIONS MANAGER Interview Question...   Warehouse Manager:    • WAREHOUSE MANAGER Interview Questions...   LOGISTICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Q1. Tell me about yourself and why want to work in Logistics? Q2. Why do you want to work for us within this Logistics role? Q3. Tell me what you understand about Logistics Flow? Q4. What do you think you will like the most about working logistics, and also what will you dislike? Q5. What are the core skills needed to work in Logistics? Q6. Explain a situation you were in where you had to make a judgment call without sufficient time or information? Q7. Describe a time when you demonstrated customer obsession in a previous role? Q8. Describe a time when you disagreed with your manager or supervisor? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q9. In your opinion, what’s the most challenging aspect of the logistics process? Q10. What are the essential qualities needed to manage the logistics process? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q11. What do you think will be the main challenges for the logistics industry over the next 5 to 10 years? Q12. How do you manage your time and prioritize tasks within logistics? Sample Answer: Q13. What’s been the toughest logistics process or project you have managed and why was it so challenging? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q14. When have you had to complete a difficult, time-sensitive task whilst under stress or pressure? Q15. As the Logistics Manager, how would you monitor the performance of your team? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q16. Tell me about a time when you were involved in a logistics process or workflow that failed? Q17. As our Logistics Manager, how would you deal with an underperforming member of your team? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q18. Describe a situation you were in where you had to follow strict rules or instructions to complete a task? Q19. Describe your style of communication whilst managing an important logistics workflow or process? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q20. What’s your greatest weakness? Q21. When have you had to use effective negotiation skills? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q22. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? Q23. Describe your management style? What kind of Logistics Manager will you be? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q24. Why do you want to leave your current job? Q25. If you are successful and you get to become our Logistics Manager, what’s the first thing you will do within the role? (LOGISTICS MANAGER INTERVIEW) Q26. What are your salary expectations within this logistics position? Q27. That’s the end of your logistics interview. Do you have any questions for the interview panel? Connect with Richard McMunn on LinkedIn.com:   / richard-mcmunn-coach   Download Richard McMunn's 27 Great Answers to Logistics and Logistics Manager interview questions: https://passmyinterview.com/logistics...