Ofloxacin Tablet ip 200 mg, 400 mg in hindi | ofloxacin tablet | oflox tablet 200 mg | uses, Dose
ofloxacin Tablet ip 200 mg, 400 mg, in hindi | ofloxacin tablet | oflox tablet 200 mg | uses, Side Effects, Dose Question and query ofloxacin Tablet ip 200 mg in hindi, ofloxacin Tablet, ofloxacin tablet ip 200 mg in urdu, ofloxacin tablet ip 400 mg in hindi, ofloxacin 200 mg, ofloxacin tablet kis Kam aati hai, ofloxacin tablet usp ofloxacin tablet uses, ofloxacin tablet 400 mg, ofloxacin tablet ip 400 mg in hindi uses, ofloxacin tablet ip 200 mg uses, ofloxacin 400 mg tablet uses in hindi, oflox 200 tablet uses, Brand Name oflomac 200 mg tablet, oflomits 200 mg tablet oflox 400 mg tablet, ofaxin 200 mg tablet oflobid 400 mg tablet, ZENFLOX 200 mg table Uses Ofloxacin is used to treat certain infections including pneumonia, and infections of the skin, bladder, reproductive organs, and prostate (a male reproductive gland) Contraindications diarrhea from an infection with Clostridium difficile bacteria. diabetes. low blood sugar. dehydration. low amount of potassium in the blood. a low seizure threshold. a painful condition that affects the nerves in the legs and arms called peripheral Side Effects Neuropathy nausea. diarrhea. constipation. gas. vomiting. stomach pain or cramps. change in ability to taste food