Best Cooking Oil for Weight Loss Diet & Heart | 10 Worst to Healthiest Cooking Oil for Indian Food

Best Cooking Oil for Weight Loss Diet & Heart | 10 Worst to Healthiest Cooking Oil for Indian Food

Lets see the best cooking oil for weight loss diet & also which is the healthiest cooking oil for Indian Food.I will be also ranking 10 Worst to healthiest cooking oils for Indian Food, as well as which are the best cooking oils for heart health and your overall health and of course and of course the reason you are here to see this video Best Cooking Oil For Weight Loss obviously. I am Natasha Mohan Weight Loss Expert , Friends Don't forget to let me know in the comments below how you have liked this Video and has it helped you in choosing the right cooking oil for you and your family . #healthycookingoils #cookingoilsforweightloss #weightlosswithnatashamohan Friends, on this channel I am sharing with you my views & personal weight loss experiences which have helped me a lot through my weight loss journey.These remedies & tips have worked on me but that does not mean they will automatically work for you as circumstances vary from person to person.Always consult your doctor before beginning any diet, nutrition, lifestyle ,exercises or weight loss program. All information you see here is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be treated as substitute, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.The use of information provided here is at your sole risk. Thanks for understanding.