4 -24 -22. Worship at Joyful Spirit UMC

4 -24 -22. Worship at Joyful Spirit UMC

Welcome to Joyful Spirit!!! We are located at 61847 State Hwy. 29 Wadena, MN. 56482. Worship begins at 11 am; coffee and goodies available before and after. Pastor Ricardo Alcoser Scriptures are read from the NIV translation. Acts 5:27-32 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20:19-31 CCLI License# 11472853 The United Methodist Hymnal copyright 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House “Christ is Alive” “The Day of Resurrection” “Alleluia, Alleluia” Psalm 150 “Because He Lives” The Apostle’s Creed “Glory Be to the Father” “He Lives” “Doxology” The Old 100th “Victory in Jesus” “Up From the Grave He Arose” We are always thankful and appreciative of your prayers and support!!! Checks may be sent to: Joyful Spirit UMC PO Box 446 Wadena, MN. 56482 Have a joyous and blessed day!!!