The Last Last Last Mow. When Is My Last Mow, The Last?
The Last Last Last Mow. When Is My Last Mow, The Last? Just when you think its your last mow and well, its not! Wow it was a beautiful day today, in the 50's, I had noticed my turf type tall fescue was getting taller then I would really like to see for the winter, so I figured I would give it another cut, my soil temperature in around 39 degrees, I took my tall fescue down to 2 1/4 that's lower then I would normally cut it. So remember our soil temperatures are different then the air temperature. In your regulars growing season, when your lawn is actively growing, you will need to follow the 1/3 rule, do not remove more them 1/3 the blade of grass in one mowing, this will help stress your lawn less. But if the soil temperature drops below 40 degrees F, then you can go from 3 inches to 2 1/4 inches without doing any stress to your lawn. that's because your lawn has pretty much stopped growing. I think personally that cutting your lawn shorter for the winter helps with preventing so much vole damage, (although I don't think that's a scientific fact, I just feel it helps, also cutting it shorter will help prevent snow mold, snow mold is a fungus. Although not really harmful, why introduce a fungus in to your lawn when you can prevent it. Cutting it shorter will also allow faster spring recovery I feel since the spring soil will be exposed to more sun light, heating up the soil, also the lawn will be aired out with allowing the wind to blow thru the lawn airing things out. If your cutting your lawn shorter for the winter, be sure to collect your clippings, bagging your clippings with also allow your soil to be exposed to more sun in the sun, and as temperatures cool, by keeping all the clippings off your lawn. One last bit of information about December 2nd 2021, it was a beautiful 50 degree day, and at night, it snowed! lol you just never know, that's another reason why watching your 10 day forecast is very important, it gives you an idea of what to expect and it can help you in planning your lawn care program, so when to water, when to put down a certain product like a fertilizer or a herbicide or even a pesticide. Please subscribe and ring the bell to be notified when we post new content, thank you for your support here on YouTube, we produce these videos for your entertainment and education. Thank you again and we will see you in the green! My Green Lawn Frank 100 Lawn Signs For $99 uzmarketing: https://lddy.no/13nc9 12 CUSTOM Screen Printed T-Shirts For $99 uzmarketing: https://lddy.no/13nc9 Business Cards For $25 uzmarketing: https://lddy.no/13nc9 May contain Amazon Affiliate Product Links For sponsorship, product reviews and collaboration and product demos, please email: [email protected]