Adult Sunday School Lesson - March 19, 2023
Mount Moriah MBC Adult Sunday School March 19, 2023 Doing the Father’s Work Scripture: John 5:19-29 Golden Text - John 5:24 I. The Father and the Son - 19-23 II. People and the Son - 24-29 Be a blessing to the work at Mount Moriah. Make a donation to our church and our building campaign. For ways to give, please visit https://www.mountmoriahdallas.org/give Join us every Wednesday at 7pm for our Zoom Bible Study “Finding Time With God” Zoom Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85142290222 Text “MountUp” to 313131 to subscribe to our text list. Mount Moriah MBC 3611 Latimer St Dallas, TX 75215 Dr. Johnny C. Smith, Pastor www.mountmoriahdallas.org