A2 Milk / Ghee Product Review -Dietitian Shreya
#dietitianshreya #milk #a2milk A2 Milk Product Review These days you must be seeing A2 products like A2 ghee and A2 milk in market. They are claimed to be healthier then normal milk and ghee. You must be confused how they are different from normal milk and ghee... So let me tell you... In normal milk both A1 & A2 beta casein proteins are present, but in A2 products only A2 protein is present. Several studies has claimed that A1 protein is not good for body. During digestion of A1 beta-casein a peptide called beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7) is relesed that is linked to type 1 diabetes, heart disease, autism and digestive problems. A2 MILK ✅ contains goodness of beta-casein protein, omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids. ✅benefits- -better digestion -maintain healthy cholesterol levels -help in weight management -act as lubricant and help in joint pain ✅contain strontium that boost body immune system. ✅Promote healthy blood sugar level ✅contains cerebrosides that improve brain functions. This milk is obtained from those cow that naturally produces milk only with A2 protein. As they are made from cow milk so if you are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow milk then avoid using them. My rating for A2 milk would be 10/10👍 as compared to normal milk but I still prefer plant based product. #Dietitianshreya #bestdietitian #no1dietitian #chandigarhdietitian #diabetes #bloodsugar #milk #A2milk #cowmilk #puremilk #milkproducts #soymilk #almondmilk #digestion #cholesterol #brainfunction #omegafattyacid www.dietititianshreya.com Book you appointment Now- +91-730-730-3835 Get A Call back http://dietitianshreya.com/contact-us-2/