Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2022 | Harmony Baptist Church | Hamilton, Ontario

Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2022 | Harmony Baptist Church | Hamilton, Ontario

Welcome to the online Christmas Eve service of Harmony Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We are happy to have you join us for a special hour of songs and reflections as we remember and celebrate together the birth of Christ. Thanks for joining us. We hope you will subscribe and share in future worship services wherever you are. Have you visited Harmony in person? We would love to welcome you as our guest on an upcoming Sunday. We meet at 10:20 on our church campus at 1763 Upper James Street, in Hamilton. Come a few minutes early and connect with others or meet our pastors in a coffee house atmosphere. You are welcome to bring your coffee into the service which is relaxed, informal, and contemporary. We have Sunday morning classes for children of all ages. We are a diverse group: mature Jesus' followers and people just starting to explore faith. You will find people of all ages, differing religious backgrounds, varied ethnicities, and different perspectives. Wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. You will see people dressed up in suit and tie, and others in a t-shirt and tattoos. No matter what their sense of style, they are people just like you, who are engaged in the adventure of doing life together as we seek to allow God to change us, and change our community and world through us. We hope to see you soon! Will you help us finish the year in a strong financial position? Our ministry to our local and online community depends on people like you. Please help us continue to serve in 2023. To support our ministry financially, to request prayer, or to talk with one of our pastors, you can find us online at We value your comments below, and ask you to like and subscribe if you find this video meaningful. --- Harmony is affiliated with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec and Canadian Baptist Ministries --- CCLI Streaming License #1832283 CCLI Streaming Licence terms: