My Daughter's Emotional 13TH BIRTHDAY SURPRISE

My Daughter's Emotional 13TH BIRTHDAY SURPRISE

My daughter Salish turns 13 next week 😱 so her best friend Nidal crashes her first video for Dhar Mann to give her an unforgettable birthday surprise! Come to our holiday movie premiere in LA on 12/18 nd hang out with Dhar, me, Salish, Hudson and Nidal: More Nalish surprises: My Daughter Surprises Her Best Friend emotional    • My Daughter Surprises Her Best Friend...   My Daughter's Emotional BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ❤️    • My Daughter's Emotional BIRTHDAY SURP...   SUBSCRIBE TO Salish:    / @salishmatter   SUBSCRIBE TO NIDAL:    / @nidalwonderofficial   SUBSCRIBE TO DHAR:    / @dharmannofficial   SUBSCRIBE TO HELP HUDSON REACH 1M:    / hudsonmatter   See Hudson's "FIRST TIME LIVING ALONE! *emotional*"    • MY FIRST TIME LIVING ALONE! *emotional*   Subscribe to me:    / jordanmatter   FOLLOW SALISH:   / saysaymatter   Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER:    / @jordanmatterphotochallenges   See MY SON TIKTOK PRANKS HIS CRUSH FOR 24 HOURS    • MY SON TIKTOK PRANKS HIS CRUSH FOR 24...   MERCH: Business Inquiries: [email protected] Video by Sandy Chase Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!