Top 10 Weirdest Deep Sea Creatures You Won't Believe Exist
10. Leafy Seadragon: This master of disguise resembles drifting seaweed, making it a bizarre sight to behold. Its leaf-like appendages serve as camouflage, allowing it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings. 9. Red-lipped Batfish: This quirky fish sports bright red lips and a flattened body, resembling a bat. It "walks" along the ocean floor using its modified pectoral and pelvic fins, searching for crustaceans and worms. 8. Dumbo Octopus: Named after the Disney character, this small octopus has prominent fins that resemble large ears. It lives in the deep sea and swallows its prey whole. 7. Blobfish: This deep-sea dweller looks like a gelatinous mass with a face. It has very little muscle mass and floats just above the seafloor, eating whatever drifts by. 6. Sarcastic Fringehead: This fish has a large mouth that it opens wide to intimidate rivals. It lives in the waters off the coast of California. 5.Gulper Eel: This deep-sea eel has a huge mouth and a stretchy stomach, allowing it to swallow prey much larger than itself. It also has a long, whip-like tail. 4. Goblin Shark: This deep-sea shark has a long, pointed snout and protruding jaws filled with sharp teeth. It is sometimes called a "living fossil" because it has changed very little in millions of years. 3. Barreleye Fish: This deep-sea fish has a transparent head, allowing its upward-pointing eyes to collect as much light as possible. Its eyes are also very large, and its mouth is small and beak-like. 2. Vampire Squid: This cephalopod lives in the oxygen minimum zone of the ocean, where most other complex life cannot survive. It has large, red eyes and a bioluminescent display that it uses to confuse predators. 1. Tullimonstrum: This extinct animal is so strange that scientists are not sure what kind of animal it was. It had a long, flexible proboscis with a claw at the end, and a segmented body with a tail fin. It also had a pair of eyes on stalks, and a mouth filled with teeth.